Leader: Nick Kettridge (University of Birmingam)
Objectives: quantifying fire danger and vulnerability, characterising (mega)fire behaviour and its drivers, and determining environmental and economic impact of fires. Specifically, to quantify fire risk from an environmental and socio-economic perspective by 1) quantifying fire danger and vulnerability, 2) characterising (mega)fire behavior and its drivers, and 3) determining environmental and economic impact of fires.
Leader: Guillermo Rein (Imperial College London)
Objectives: creating the first European Firewise guidelines, and novel approaches to fire resilient landscape design, fire prevention and fire resilient governance. Specifically, to assess wildfire risk reduction potential from small to large scale and individuals to agencies, by 1) creating a science base for the first European Firewise guidelines for design of homes and their immediate surroundings, 2) developing novel fire resilient landscape design based on water management, 3) assess ways to increase implementation of fire prevention and fire resilient governance.
Leader: Miriam Arenas (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Objectives: stimulating resilience and preparedness through interagency exchange, trans-disciplinary research, and engagement of vulnerable communities. Specifically, focusing on management of risks, by developing a transdisciplinary approach for fire research, aligning interagency exchange, engaging vulnerable communities at risk, and communicating with communities about risks.