Interview with Lara Steil and Peter Moore Written by Lucía de la Riva For this blog post, I interviewed Lara Steil, Forestry Officer (Fire Management) at FAO since July 2022, and her predecessor Peter Moore, now Director of Natural Resources Fire & Carbon Pty Ltd. For 17 years, Lara was the coordinator of the interagency department at the National Center for Wildfire Prevention and Suppression in Brazil (IBAMA, Prevfogo), focusing on national and international cooperation and the involvement of indigenous and rural communities in IFM activities. Peter has worked on natural resources and fire management for over 40 years all […]
Written by Lucía de la Riva Ecosystems have relied on fire for millions of years to survive, and the development of human civilization has been possible thanks to fire. However, over centuries the relationship between modern societies and fire has been deteriorating, and the occurrence of extreme wildfires in the last few decades has increased the fear of this natural element. Researchers and experts agree that what might seem a threat to nature and humans, is in fact a resource to reduce the risk of having large wildfires if used wisely. Integrated Fire Management (IFM) aims at this by using […]
Written by Kerryn Little Fire has a wide range of impacts, both positive and negative, on people, the environment and the economy. Integrated Fire Management (IFM) is therefore a system that evaluates the potential consequences (positive and negative) of wildfire, in order to make decisions that will promote the beneficial use of wildfire, while reducing any negative impacts from unwanted fires. These decisions affect many different groups of people. Therefore, IFM seeks to include everyone involved in this decision-making process, such as communities living with wildfire, land managers and government agencies, and incorporate both traditional and technical methods of managing […]