Judith is a PhD candidateat CERIDES at the European University Cyprus (advisor Dr. George Boustras) with 4-month secondment placings at the University of Birmingham (advisor Dr. Julian Clark) and the FAO in Rome (advisor Dr. Peter Moore). In her research, Judith foregrounds questions of governance to understand local wildfire risk and impact as a symptom of global social and environmental change. Outcomes of this work could help rethinking wildfire decision-making processes, mainly through joint responsibility and collaborative, adaptive and anticipatory approaches. Expecting to graduate in March 2024, Judith’s interest in fire as a socio-ecological process in the landscape got sparked during her Masters in Earth Sciences at the University of Amsterdam, with a thesis about palaeofire – the fascinating role of fire in Earth history.
Postdoctoral Researcher in the SNSF-funded FiRES project, Geographies of Disasters Group, University of Bern (Switzerland), continuing social science wildfire research in Cyprus, Greece, and Switzerland.
Scientific and common language writing | Strengthening existing and developing new skills | Proactive communication | Data analysis and visualization (R, ArcGis, Illustrator)
German (native), English (C2), Dutch, (B1), Spanish (B1), Greek (A2), French (A2)
PhD, European University Cyprus. PhD thesis title: Governing wildfire regimes: creating urgency without a crisis.
BSc: ‘Environment and bioresources management’ (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna).
MSc: ‘Earth Sciences: Geo-ecological dynamics’ (University of Amsterdam).
See factsheet on Kirschner et al. (2024) – Uncharted territory: governance opportunities for wildfire management and the case of Cyprus, with the impact of the research on wildfire management and recommendations for policymakers, here.
See factsheet on Kirschner et al. (2024) – Governance drivers hinder and support a paradigm shift in wildfire risk management in Italy, with the impact of the research on wildfire management, here.